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email marketing

We are a smart Email Marketing organization based in Kanpur with a prime objective to build brand value of a business.

A Dedicated service to generate hot leads for the marketing team to capitalize

Email marketing is a basic computerized marketing administration for any business. It's quick, it's shabby and it's an incredible method to hold clients and include new ones in with the general mish-mash – to put it plainly, there's no reason not to do email marketing. Be that as it may, and this is critical, it's solitary compelling on the off chance that you have the correct email marketing procedure set up. We at DigiBask, offer email marketing administrations that get snaps, opens and above all, transformations for your business. We comprehend what works, and what never will. The old email marketing strategies are dead. Conveying mass emails to your endorser list with limited time content that can be named as spam isn't great practice. Rather, we have presented customized email marketing that clears the messiness normally found in your inbox. This kind of email marketing sends a positive message to your crowd, draws in with their interests and keeps them returning on numerous occasions.

DigiBask is an email marketing organization with a distinction. We work with you to make staggering email marketing efforts that are both outwardly shocking and really convert. Our in-house group of email marketing pros gives you access to all that you should guarantee you do the most ideal activity for your business. You will get access to our Email database and will get information on measurements and recent announcements. We trust that working in a joint effort with our customers is the most ideal approach to produce results.


We help you to enlighten your business

We provide a wide range of service tools for Email Marketing & Bulk Emailing

Managing Subscriber List's

A decent email marketing effort is nothing without an all-around kept up a rundown of subscribers. We are specialists in lead age and can enable you to fabricate a rundown of contacts that are occupied with your business. Not exclusively will this present you with a rundown of potential new clients, yet it could prompt an expansion in deals.

Useful Email Templates

DigiBask group make bespoke email marketing formats that are custom fitted to your business. You can make certain that all layouts we make will be responsive, which means they offer a similar affair regardless of what gadget you open them on. When your email marketing layout is arranged, our engineers can add to, mark up and enhance the structure as your business creates.

Spontaneous Testing

Which titles work best? What suggestion to take action will urge peruses to click? At the point when would it be a good idea for me to send my email crusade? Generally, email marketing is tied in with testing. We complete A/B testing as a major aspect of our email marketing administrations to guarantee your campaigns dependably show signs of improvement and better.

Accurate Reporting

At DigiBask, we don't modest far from results. A remarkable inverse; we're driven by them. Our email marketing administrations are centred around conveying campaigns that create most extreme ROI. Hope to get intensive, precise revealing that gives your business every one of the bits of knowledge expected to move forward.

Relevant Email Contents

The key to an effective email marketing effort is fascinating, an enticing substance that urges the pursuer to click. It takes research, testing and a mess of training to get right, yet once you get it nailed on, the prizes merit all the exertion. From titles, to call to activities and educational substance, our email marketing group make content that makes your pursuers make a move.

Overall Management

We're not going to mislead anybody. Email marketing requires a significant investment of time, it requires exertion or more all, it takes a considerable measure of training. Fortunately, we have long periods of involvement in overseeing customer campaigns, and our email marketing administrations have created some entirely noteworthy outcomes.

Our Workflow

The email marketing overview steps are simple yet powerful to draw attention of the clients

Our Process

Managing the Subscriber lists keeping in view of the Targeted Audience

Our Process

Preparing Trendy yet relevant Contents

Our Process

Run Campaign and generate reports

Our Process

Tweak if necessary to shake things around

We serve all industries!


We make technology work for you, so you stay connected to your team and your customer.

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